Today is New Beer’s Eve. Yes, it’s real! Sit back and enjoy a bottle or two of suds.
For over a decade (1920-1933), beer and alcohol were banned in the United States. This ban was set in place by the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. The 18th Amendment failed miserably. It was largely ignored. Millions of people turned to making their own bathtub beer and made alcohol in homemade stills. Bootleg beer and alcohol, much of which was smuggled in from Canada, caused the loss of millions of dollars in potential tax revenues.
The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment. It took effect at 12:01a.m on April 7, 1933. On the evening of April 6th, anxious Americans lined up at breweries and distilleries to purchase legal beer and alcohol at the stroke of midnight. That night, someone coined the term “New Beer’s Eve”, and a new annual holiday was born!
We hope you thoroughly enjoy New Beers’ Eve. Please do so responsibly. If you drink, don’t drive.